Emily enjoys obsessing about The Bachelor at her humble abode in Salt Lake City. The wife and mother to one is the Queen of sarcasm (next to Chelsea, that is.) As the author to “Tuesday’s Hangover” she recaps the gems from the night before that made you turn away from embarrassment. While she is quite a sassy and classy writer, she’s no English major. Her segments are sure to help you recover from the overdose the night before.
Chelsea sometimes feels mildly awkward writing third person narratives, but she survives. She resides in Salt Lake City with her two pets: her husband (Shawn) and her puppy (Toby). When she isn't busy living her riveting life of work, school, and harvesting crops on Frontierville, she and her husband judge watch The Bachelor. Chelsea is thrilled to have another outlet to gossip about anything and everything Bachelor. Her writing style is sure to elicit a small chortle, an eye roll, or a blank stare. Your choice, really.